I created this blog the day I found out I was pregnant with twins. I already had a two year-old bouncing boy and I had no idea how on earth we’d manage with twins. I thought writing about it would be a good way to record the memories, it initially focused on the twins and the roller coaster that is parenting. However, we now focus on our love of travel and sharing our family adventures.
The blog is mainly run by me, Jemma, Mum to Oscar (11) and twins, Henry and Heidi (8). I’m also wife (to Simon), marketing consultant, blogger, runner, cake eater and gin lover. I’m also partial to cocktails too!

As a family we love to travel. Both pre and post-kids we’ve always been passionate about seeing the world (ideally in style!) and have visited lots of lovely places. We love to share our adventures, advice, tips and recommendations with others.
I hope you’ll enjoy reading about our travels and hope find our blog useful. Feedback is always appreciated.
Jemma x
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