On Friday Heidi began her potty training journey.
A week ago I bought a pack of Huggies Pull Ups as they were on offer. Heidi really took to them and has been showing a real interest in the potty, so on Friday I decided to take the plunge and let her wear big girl pants.
Armed with two pairs of spare pants, a change of leggings and a potty we headed out to pick up Oscar’s school uniform and for a spot of lunch with my Mum.
I’m delighted to report that there were no accidents! We went to toilet and few times and my little girl was amazing. I can’t believe how easy she’s taking to it. With Oscar it seemed to take ages, although I think we rushed him a little as I was expecting the twins.
I put pull ups on for her afternoon nap, which she wasn’t happy about. When she woke up she kept asking for me to put her nappy on. I suspected she needed a poo and tried to get her to go on the potty but she wouldn’t! I put her nappy on and sure enough it was as I’d suspected..!
She’s been amazing all weekend and only had one accident this afternoon. She’s still struggling with the pooing though, but it’s early days.
I can’t complain as she’s done so well this weekend. The plan is to continue with the ‘big girl’ pants in the day and use pull ups for naps and bedtimes.
I can’t believe my little girl is turning into a big girl, sometimes I actually forget that she’s two as she seems so grown up and feisty!
Henry on the other hand isn’t really interest. I actually think doing them separately will be easier, so we’ll just wait until he’s ready…
I’ll keep you updated.
J xx