On Sunday I’ll be taking part in my second half marathon. I ran the Robin Hood Half Marathon last year and really enjoyed it!
I’m doing the same one again, but this year I’ve really struggled with the training. I’m not sure if it was easier last year due to the fear motivating me to train lots to ensure I could actually finish. Where as this year that fear isn’t there.
I’ve tried to increase my long runs slowly this time, due to ending up with a injured leg last year that took a few months to heal. Increasing mileage by 1 mile per week does however mean that you have to put in more long runs, which is really hard as they just take so long.
During my training I’ve had an injured leg (which thankfully healed after a few days), a cold and now my Achilles is a bit sore. It really has felt like a hard slog this time!
However, I’ve just finished my final training run (a steady 3 miles) and the big day is on Sunday and I’m actually starting to look forward to it. Last year the atmosphere was amazing and this year I’ve got lots of people who will be cheering me on. Plus, I’m really looking forward to wine and a burger afterwards (I’ve been hardly drank and have been eating healthily in the run up)! Oscar is also taking part in the Mini Marathon, which is 1.5 mile fun run. It should be a good day all round
The next couple of days I’m going to be taking it easy and carbing up (I knew there was I reason why I do these crazy things) and get ready to tackle the 13 hilly miles that await. The fact that I’ve found the training hard this time, will make crossing that finish line and collecting that medal all the more sweeter!
I’ll let you know how I get on. Wish me luck…
J xx