When it comes to travelling with children, you want to make sure that they not only have a good time, but they learn as much as possible about the world around them. With an ever-increasing reliance on technology, getting out and about and experiencing the real world with their own eyes is something that should never be taken for granted.
That being said, travelling with children, especially babies and toddlers, can be tricky. But not impossible. There is definitely more to pack and more people to think about when holidaying and travelling, but different doesn’t have to mean worse, or even more stressful. Actually,t ravelling with children can be an amazing and fulfilling experience for everyone. Especially if you manage to book a trip that has something for everyone to enjoy.
Travelling with Children
There is a lot to think about when you are travelling with children. And also a lot to carry too. It makes sense to have a few tips to help you before you even leave home.
- Pack strategically and as light as possible. Buy items to take with you that can double up for other uses. For example, a kid’s suitcase that can not only hold their essentials but also doubles up as a car seat will help you to take less with you and utilize the space in the suitcase.
- Do your research. Know the area, hotel and/or resort before you arrive. Can you do your laundry there? If so, you can pack less and wash anything that needs it during your trip. If you’re staying at a self-catering complex or off the resort, check what local amenities are around and the transport links too. No one wants a long delay in getting to your accommodation after a long day travelling.
- Pack snacks. Kids like snacks, and no one wants to deal with an overtired or hungry child. This will help you when eating out if your child is unfamiliar with the local cuisine.
- Allow extra time. You want to enjoy your holiday as much as possible so allow yourself extra time when travelling or making connections.
- Accept things when they go off plan. Things won’t always run smoothly without children when you are travelling. The chances of something going awry increase when you factor more people into the mix, especially children. So before you head off, accept what will be will be. It will leave you more relaxed and able to enjoy what happens regardless of any hiccups.
- Don’t forget your home comforts. Anything your children need to help them relax needs to be packed and taken with you. This will help settle any anxieties and possible upsets from a change in routine.
PreBook Excursions and Trips
If you want to go on excursions with or without children, make sure to book before you arrive. Knowing you have something planned with mean you can have something to look forward to and occupy the whole family. European trips and tours are great for getting out and about and seeing more of many European countries you might be visiting.
Plan your itinerary well around your child’s routines. After all, you know them better than anyone, and if they get tired quickly, booking up your full-day, every day could lead to overtired children who simply just need to relax. So follow their lead and allow them time to relax and enjoy their surroundings without being corralled into everything you think they need to experience.
A bonus to sticking with official tours over going it alone means you can be sure excursions will cater to younger members of the group without you having to look around for family-friendly places.
Immerse Them In the Culture
Children can be forgiven for thinking that the only world that exists is the one they experience daily. So when travelling with children, introducing them to a new culture and allowing them to soak it up and immerse themselves as much as possible can be rewarding and enriching for them. There is nothing like learning on the go hands-on and from those around us.
So, use this opportunity to educate yourself and your children on this new experience and watch them absorb it all and gain a new appreciation for others and the world around them.
Encourage Learning at All Levels
Children are never too young to learn, even babies. Letting them explore and involving them in as much as possible is the best way to help them learn more about not only the destination you are visiting but also on the practicalities of travelling.
Involving them in the decision making as they get older and giving them responsibilities – maybe not taking charge of the passports just yet, can help them build confidence and enjoy their travelling time too. Keeping kids in the loop as far as your plans and what to expect can help ease fears and anxieties they have over visiting somewhere new and different.
The happier they feel, the more confident they will become, and who knows, instilling a love of travel and adventure from a young age could help you nurture a budding explorer or, at least, a travel enthusiast.
In conclusion; travelling with children needn’t be a scary or daunting experience. Allow yourself the chance to experience travelling through your children’s eyes as they take in the world around them. There is something magical about the way children view the world, so why deny them and your chance to see everything the world has to offer as when they are young. So what do you say? Are you ready to book your next family trip and explore the world with your children?
You never know, you may find that your children help reignite a passion you may never have discovered had you not taken the plunge and booked your next trip as a family.