We’re finally getting there with the weaning! The twins are on three meals a day and seem to love food.
We’ve been doing a mix of finger foods and purées. I tend to do more finger food when out and about, things like cream cheese sandwiches, cucumber sticks and bits of bread and veg from our plates.
We even went to Portugal last week and it wasn’t too tricky. We had a villa, so made sandwiches when we were going out and used jars (not something i normally do, but all of us deserve a break on hol) and easy to prepare stuff like bananas and cereals. We gave them veg and bits of bread from our plates. They may even have had a few spoonfuls of ice cream!
To make life easier, I’ve generally been giving blended portions of our meals, so this week they’ve had Moroccan lamb and cous cous, shepherds pie and macaroni cheese with peas. All have been a success 🙂
Things that have helped us, so far, on our weaning journey include:
Ikea high chairs – easy to clean and stack
Fabric bibs with arms in that can be thrown in the wash (Boots and Mothercare)
Hand blender
Tubs for freezing
The Pacapod food pod for when we’re out and about
When feeding I tend to do one big bowl and use one spoon. I know some people worry about germs, but my theory is that as my two sleep together in the same cot bed, they already share plenty of germs!
Just need to start phasing bottles of milk out now…