50 things that make me happy

There have been lots of these 50 things that make me happy posts going around at the minute. I love reading them, so thought I’d join in the fun, so here goes… 1. My beautiful babies 2. My lovely hubby 3. Chocolate 4. Cake 5. Running 6. Clothes shopping 7.…

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A magical Mother’s Day weekend

I’ve had the most lovely weekend and the fact that it was Mother’s Day yesterday was like the cherry on top. All of the kids have been lovely this weekend and we’ve had a great time together, just doing simple things. I don’t work on a Friday, so it always…

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Mother's Day treats – find the perfect …

I’ve seen quite a few Mother’s Day gift guides, so I thought I’d put my own together. I’ve tried to include something for everyone, but have to admit that I have been slightly selfish, with my plan being to direct hubby to it throughout the year for gift inspiration. It…

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