A letter to Oscar on his seventh birthday

A letter to Oscar on his seventh birthday

Dear Oscar

Today you turned seven! I know it’s a huge cliche, but I can’t quite believe how quickly the past seven years have gone.

As I said to you this morning, seven years ago you changed my life – you made me a mummy. I wrote about the day you were born a couple of years’ ago, you can read all about it here.

I’m so proud of the lovely, kind-hearted boy that you’ve become. You’re kind, sensitive and a little bit of a worrier at times (you get that from me – sorry!). You love your brother and sister, even though you like to wind your sister up! It truly melts my heart when you have those lovely sibling moments when you all play together so nicely (as rare as they might be!).

At the minute you struggle a bit with literacy, although it’s not through lack of trying. You really enjoy school and love to learn. You really love maths, history and science. Hopefully the literacy stuff will ‘click’ and become easier for you – I really hate seeing you struggle. Keep trying my beautiful boy and you’ll get there.

You have lots of friends at school, probably because you’re so kind. You’re sociable and have a brilliant sense of humour.

You’re growing up so quickly and I really hope your lovely manner and kind-heartedness stays with you as you continue to grow.  I’d so proud of the boy that you’ve become.

As I said to you as I cuddled you to sleep tonight, I’m so glad that you’re mine.

Happy birthday ‘Scoop’!



Love you heaps

Mummy xx






  1. Cheryl
    6th January 2017 / 10:08 pm

    Happy Birthday Oscar. I remember holding you as a tiny baby. Much love. xx

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