Earlier this month we went to stay with our friends over the bank holiday weekend. We had a lovely time and the kids were all really well behaved, which is always a bonus!
On the journey home, we realised that Oscar didn’t have his beloved Bunny. Bunny is a Jellycat toy, which was actually bought for Heidi about a year ago. Oscar, despite having Baby – a teddy who at the time went everywhere with him – took a real shine to Bunny and ever since has been his comforter. He sleeps with him every night and if he’s every worried or scared, Bunny is always in his arms.
At first we didn’t panic. We’d recently stopped Oscar taking Bunny out with us, due to the risk of losing him, so we thought it must still be at our friend’s house and we’d simply forgotten to pack him.
I got in touch with my friend and asked her to have a good search.
We stopped at a service station to check our bags – no Bunny! My friend text me back – she couldn’t find him either! Oh no, panic! We obviously didn’t tell Oscar this news (it’s ok to tell little lies in order to protect our children, right?). We told him that Bunny was at her house and that her little baby, would look after him until he could be posted back. He seemed ok with this. He wasn’t 100% happy but there weren’t any tears. At least not until bedtime when he cried his little heart out. We finally calmed him down by giving him his old Baby and one of Heidi’s bunnies, but he was not happy..!
It was horrid. I was so upset that it appeared Bunny was missing. I rang my friend and asked her to have another look – no joy! I was starting to accept that he was gone. He must’ve taken him out with us when we’d gone to the park and no one had noticed. I was really bothered that his little friend and comforter was gone. I know it sounds a bit silly, but seeing how upset it made him made my heart break. He loved that Bunny!
We decided the best thing we could do was to order another one and tell (another) lie and say that my friend had given him a good wash. Surely it was worth a try?!
New Bunny arrived on the Thursday. To try and rough him up a bit I stuck him in the wash. Original Bunny was very well worn, so one wash made very little impact!
When Oscar arrived home I presented him with Bunny and my story of why he looked so fluffy and clean. He seemed to buy it – phew! I think at first he wasn’t 100% convinced, he didn’t seem quite as attached to Bunny as he had been previously, but I think he went with it anyway as it was an easier idea to live with.
This was a few weeks ago now and new Bunny seems to be a firm fixture again. Still, I can’t help but wonder what come of original Bunny though, but I’ll guess we’ll never know…
Has your little one ever lost a favourite toy?
J xx
Ohh this stories make me so sad! My lg has a jelly cat bunny too and I literally dread to think of ever losing it! We've got a back up which she won't even look at haha, so I know if it ever gets lost we'll suffer xx
It was pretty sad. Thankful new Bunny seems to have been pretty well accepted, although I'm don't think he was 100% convinced at first! I love the Jelly Cat toys. x
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