Marathon training – week 9

Marathon training – week 9

I didn’t manage to do my three runs this week due to working away on the Tuesday night. Instead I did 4 miles on Thursday night, followed by 14 miles on Saturday, which went well.

For my long run, I decided to run 5 miles to our local Park Run, which I ran and then another 6 miles home, through our local nature reserve. It actually went pretty well, it was another perfect day for running. Although, I have to admit, the last mile hurt a little (ok, a lot!).

Following my long run I had my protein shake and forced down two slices of toast smothered in peanut butter and nutella (yum!) and I’m delighted to report that I didn’t have any post-run funny turns and felt fine. In fact, I hardly ached the next day either. Not bad to say 14 miles if the furthest I’ve ran, ever!

I also took a Lucozade Sport and a couple of Maxi Muscle energy gels on my long run and that plan seemed to work too.

Looks like I better book my accommodation in London – eeekkk!!

J xx


1 Comment

  1. 14th March 2016 / 10:05 am

    Well you're doing better than me!!!! I haven't run for so long 🙁 Boo!! You're amazing though…and hats off. Inspirational xx

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