The twins’ birth story

I wanted to ensure I capture all the details of the birth of our twins as it was a lovely experience.

I was induced on the Friday, although when I rang at 7.30am to see what time to come in and they told me they’d ring me back at lunchtime I was upset as thought it would end up behind delayed and I was so ready to have them out! We decided to go to McDonald’s for breakfast and then to Tesco for some last minute bits. As we were just about to leave the house I got a call from the hospital, a bed had become free, time to get this show on the road!

We quickly went for breakfast and then my mum came round to look after Oscar. We said our goodbyes and off we went to the hospital.

Got to the hospital where I was scanned and babies were monitored for what felt like forever as twin 2 kept moving from the pads that monitor the heartbeats – cheeky monkey! Finally had a pessary put in at around 1pm, more monitoring and then we decided to walk round the hospital to try and get things going!

My 9pm there was still no signs so Simon had to go home. I decided to try and get some sleep. Easier said then done as the woman in the bed opposite kept moaning about being in pain. I drifted in and out of sleep but woke at 1.30am as the woman opposite kept calling for the midwives! All of a sudden I felt my stomach gurgle and the next minute water was gushing out. There was no doubt it was my waters and there was lots of it! I managed to press the buzzer whilst feeling like I was paddling in water. The midwives came in and couldn’t quite believe it, they thought it was the woman opposite buzzing!

The midwives sprung into action to change my sheets and they gave me a gown to change into. They then put me on the monitor, which showed I was having contractions. I just thought it was the babies moving. Was on the monitor for an hour which showed I was having regular contractions, which I could now feel. Was given some pain killers and then a midwife came with a wheelchair to take me to delivery suite – hurrah, they were on the way!

I rang Simon and then I packed up all my stuff and walked to delivery suite (wanted to ensure my contractions didn’t stop). Got to delivery suite and Simon arrived shortly after. They examined me and I was 3cm. The midwife then asked if I wanted to have my epidural. I wasn’t really in pain but I didn’t want to miss the chance so I said yes. Cos I wasn’t really in pain the epidural hurt more than I remembered! It also made my right leg swell up.

Drifted in and out of sleep until the change of shift. Was introduced to our new midwife, her name was Gemma and was the sister on duty that day, she was lovely. The consultant also came in with the doctors to plan and explain what would happen. He was very chirpy and enthusiastic, we felt very well looked after.

I was examined again at about midday and was told I was ready to push. Pushed for a bit but but not much happened so the doctor came in to examine me. They decided to wait another hour, which then turned into 2.

Finally it was time to push! Another midwife came in the room (the one who had looked after me when I went in with my poorly rib) and I pushed for about 20 mins, not easy when you can’t feel anything from the waist down!! I was then told to stop pushing, the next minute Henry was born. He cried a little bit and then decided to go back to sleep! Simon cut the cord and he was stimulated a little so that he had a good cry! He was then wrapped up and passed to Simon.

The doctor then came in and scanned me to see was position twin 2 was in. Her and the second midwife then turned twin 2 by pushing on my tummy. Once it was in a breech position the midwife held it in position. Then it was time for more pushing! 22 minutes after Henry was born, Heidi came into the world! Simon cut the cord and broke the news that we also had a girl. She was then passed to me. We were both over the moon to have one of each – so blessed.

Henry weighed in at 6lb 2oz and Heidi was 5lb 4 1/2oz!

It was then time to tell our family…

I had such a lovely birth with the twins. I had anticipated the worst but it was actually a lovely and calm experience which I believe was down to our fantastic team!


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