One week to go!!

One week to go!!

Only one week to go!

Before I get carried away, I just want to apologise for the lack of non-marathon related posts recently. Marathon training, working, and the general craziness of life with three children has meant that there really isn’t enough hours in the day to fit in everything that I’d like to. I’m not doing any running this week, so I’m hoping that I can catch up on adding some blog posts about what we’ve been up to. It will help keep my increasingly anxious mind occupied too!

So, as I said, only one week to go until the London Marathon – big eeeekkkk!

I’m feeling such a mixture of emotions at the minute. I’m so excited, as it’s going to be one hell of an experience and achievement, but also anxious and a little scared!

Thankfully my foot is feeling loads better. I went out and did 3 miles yesterday, after having not ran in over a week. It felt fine and I felt amazing. I had one of those lovely runs where I felt like I wanted to keep going forever. I’d found this brilliant video on You Tube, so decided to try taping it before I went (I think for me this helps physiologically). I kept the tape on afterwards and haven’t had any pain or a single niggle. I’m really hoping this is the end of it and it doesn’t decide to play up next week. I’m planning on taking a couple of paracetamol in my running belt just in case.

Re-fueling after my final training run!

I had a bit of a panic last Thursday, with lots of negative emotions, but I’ve managed to get past that now. I’m feeling much more positive and I’m going to cross that finish line and have an amazing experience in getting there. I can’t wait to put that medal round my neck and have a cold glass of fizz!

I’ve been looking into pre-marathon nutrition for this week and the advice seems to be very protein heavy during the start of the week, with heaps of carbs from Wednesday onwards. When I say heaps, I mean heaps! The basic calculation is between 8-10g of carbohydrate per kg of body weight, which means I need around 500ish grams of carbs each day.

I’ve recently been tracking my food with My Fitness Pal (which has helped me lose 5lbs – yay!) and I currently eat an average of 100grams of carbohydrate a day. I’ve just been trying to plan my meals but really struggling to get anywhere near what I should be eating! I’m really looking forward to the carb loading phase though. I’ll try and post an update each day with what I’ve eaten in case it’s helpful for anyone.

I need to pack these week too, I’ve already started getting my bits out so I don’t forget anything. Plus I’m having my lashes and brows done, to give me a good chance of looking reasonably okay in the race pics! I also need to ensure I have a nail polish that matches my running top – phew there really is a lot to think!

Hoping to do a few posts these week as I get ready for the big day, so keep an eye out for those.

1 week to go..!

Jem xx


1 Comment

  1. 17th April 2016 / 8:24 pm

    You're so inspiring!!!! GO YOU! What dedication and good luck 🙂 xx

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