With it being Oscar’s birthday recently, it got me thinking that although I’ve recorded the twins’ birth story, I don’t have Oscar’s anywhere.
Whilst I was in the pool, the midwife would leave us for quite long periods of time, which Simon wasn’t particularly impressed about. It turns out that she’s been delivering twins! The couple already had a son and they didn’t know the sex of their twins prior to the birth. They a boy first and a girl second. Little did we know that 3 years later that would be us!!
Whilst in the pool the midwife would periodically listen to the babies heartbeat. On one of these checks, she wasn’t happy, so I had to get out of the pool to go on a monitor for 20 minutes. After which I was allowed to get back in the pool. At that point, little did we know that this was the start of things not quite going as smoothly as planned…
By now the pain was unbearable. I remember screaming at Simon to “help me” and him looking at me with tears in his eyes and saying: “this is horrible”. The midwife examined me, as I kept saying I wanted to push, and she declared I was 7-8cm dilated. At that point, which was around 6.30am, I was exhausted and in so much pain that I decided I needed an epidural. I was scared that the pain would get worse and it would be too late.
We were taken back into a more traditional room and I remember Simon going to move the car, whilst I waited for the anthesistist to come. I remember them trying to find a vein in my hand and the midwife not being able to do it. I panicked, thinking I wouldn’t be able to have the epidural, but the anthesistist managed to do it – phew. I don’t remember the epidural being painful, I just remember that within about 5 minutes the pain started to disappear, it was like magic.
As I’d had an epidural, the babies heartbeat was constantly monitored. Within about 20 minutes of having it, the heart rate on the machine dropped, dramatically. It was horrible and the reassuring galloping sound slowed. The midwife rang the buzzer and some other people came in. I was made to lie on my side and the heartbeat thankfully recovered. The staff put in down to the epidural. However, it happened again and again!
The next few hours are now a blur of a constant stream of doctors coming in, examining, heart rates dropping and recovering. There was an awful moment when one junior doctor started panicking that it was actually my heart rate they were picking up and not the babies, thankfully this was wrong.
I remember begging doctors to give me a caesarean and to just “get this baby out”. I was so scared and I don’t think I took my eyes off the monitor the whole time. It was very stressful. My protective urge was huge. I’d never even met this little person, yet already I would do anything to keep it safe.
My contractions began to slow down, which was not good. They put me on a drip of syntocinon to speed them up again and decided to break my waters. When they did so, they discovered meconium, which meant that the baby was stressed.
At one point the team decided that they would take some blood from the baby’s head to check the oxygen levels. Thankfully they were fine. However, the heart rate was still dropping every so often. It was decided that when I reached 10cms, they would use forceps to get the baby out as quickly as possible.
Finally at around 1.45pm I finally reached 10cm. A lovely consultant (Mrs Ramsey) came in and began her work, despite Simon wanted to finish his crisps!! Forceps were put in (not pleasant, even with an epidural) and I was told to push whilst they pulled. I pushed my hardest, I wanted this baby out as quickly as possible. I remember being told to pant and then one push later our baby was born, crying!! It was 2.10pm. Those cries were one of the sweetest sounds I’d even heard. Our baby was ok! I remember seeing the little duck tail of hair at the back of the head and the consultant had meconium on her glasses where the baby had spat it out on delivery!
I can’t remember exactly who told us the sex. I think it might have been Simon. I just remember sobbing – he was ok!
We had a room full of doctors and he was given straight to the pediatric doctors to be checked over. He was then wrapped and brought over to us. Seeing him for the first time was amazing and I remember him sucking his two fingers, how he still does now. Would already decided on names, so there wasn’t much to discuss. Welcome to the world Oscar…
He weighed 7lb 12oz and apart from a slight temperature he was fine. We took lots of photo’s and began announcing the news to friends and family. The birth of a new baby is such a lovely and amazing time and we couldn’t wait to show him off.
I was 26 when I had Oscar. It is amazing the love you have for your children and Oscar’s birth taught me just how fragile life is and how every birth is a little miracle.
J xx
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