Yesterday, me and my friend literally ran for cake. We took part in a 10k race and when we finished our prize was a Christmas pudding! It was a great race – nice and scenic with a good mix of hills and flat – and I achieved a 10k personal best of 1:01:33!
For someone who has never been fit, I’m amazed by what I’ve achieved through running. I spent a couple of years running 5k a couple of times a week, convinced that I’d never be able to run 10k, never mind a half marathon, which I ran in September (the buzz lasted a week!).
Occasionally I hit low points where I really cannot motivate myself to get out of the door. However, I’ve found that doing a few runs close together sorts that out. I also find that having a race to train for keeps my motivation up.
From having now ran seven races, I’ve found that when it comes to races, good preparation is key. I’m always keen to hear what “real” people do, so I thought I’d share what works for me:
• Lots of water and fluid the few days before the race.
• Plenty of food and carbs the day before. If I’m doing a longer race e.g. Half marathon, then I tend to start eating more three days before.
• A good nights sleep the night before.
• A decent breakfast – I always have a bagel with peanut butter, jam and banana – eaten two hours before the race
• Plenty of drinks the morning of the race, including a Berocca.
I find that doing all the above makes me perform at my best.
Now it’s almost winter there aren’t as many races to take part in, so hoping I can keep up momentum – wish me luck!
Feel free to share your pre-race prep tips below.
J x