Spring is in the air…

Spring is in the air…

Spring is in the air. The nights are slowly getting
lighter, the weather is getting warmer and I can hear birds. I hate winter, but
in contrast absolutely love spring (and summer), here are the reasons why:

The warmer weather
Getting Oscar, a typically
lazy five-year old, and two-year old twins ready to leave the house in winter
can only be described as a military operation. By the time I’ve managed to
locate everybody’s hat, scarf and gloves, along with making sure fingers are in
the right holes and coats are fully zipped, I’m ready for a lie down! Warmer
weather also means new clothes for us, often in gorgeous pastel colours that
make you smile and feel chirpy. Plus sunshine makes us all happy!

The lighter nights (and mornings)
The days seem
longer, which as I’m sure most mums would agree can only be a good thing.

Outdoor trips

Trying to amuse three children in the house all day is
pretty much mission impossible. You think you’ve cracked it when everyone is
quiet for a few minutes, only to find that the reason they’re actually so quiet
is because they are creating their latest piece of artwork… on your newly painted wall – arrrgh!! Spring
means (free) trips to the park, where we can all run around and play games
together, or trips to the farm to stroke the baby lambs (aww).  The kids love it and happy kids make for
happy parents!

Ice cream
Days out mean lots of soft whippy ice
cream eating. My uplifted mood means I don’t even mind the kids getting it all
over their nice new clothes.


For us Easter means time off work (and a
holiday this year – yippee!), and chocolate. Lots of scrummy, gorgeous
chocolate. After being good to shed the Christmas excess, Easter is a welcome
respite. After all isn’t it obligatory to gorge on silly amounts of
chocolate..?! Whatever the answer is, I don’t care I’m doing it anyway!

Race season

I’m a keen runner and the race season begins around March
time. Races help me stay motivated to keep running and the kids love to come and
watch. They think it’s great when I get a medal. The lighter nights also make it
so much easier to get out of the door to go for a run and the warmer weather is
much kinder on my skin than the harsh winter wind. It’s a win all round!

So there you have it, the reasons why Spring is just so ace. Although, it should also be said that I think the best thing is that when it’s all over you’re left with summer! Now,
don’t even get me started on that..!

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