Things have been pretty quiet on the blog over the past week – apologies! As you can imagine, life is pretty hectic at the best of times. However, these week I’ve been really busy with work, have been away on a two-day course and on Monday the twins were two!
I know it’s such a clichéd saying, but I really can’t believe how time flies. It feels like yesterday that I gave birth to them and now they’re two! It’s crazy!
Their birthday was lovely. All the presents were set up the night before. Sorting the presents was quite eventful. Back in April we’d seen some lovely trikes on offer at Amazon, so we ordered them and when they arrived put them straight in the loft. On Sunday night Simon got them down so that we could set them up. Upon opening the boxes, we discovered that we’d been sent the wrong items. The delivery note said trikes, but what we actually got was scooters! Luckily both items were wrong. When we set them up they were lovely and we actually think that they’ll have more longevity than a trike, so it wasn’t too bad in the end.
When the morning arrived there was much chaos as they both ripped open their presents. Henry kept shouting “Santa”, clearly think it was Christmas again – bless him!
Simon had to work in the morning, so I’d arranged to take the twins to Simon’s parents to get their hair cut by Simon’s sister. We dropped Simon at work and went to open more presents…
At lunch we went to pick Simon up from work. We had decided to take the twins to Pizza Hut for a special birthday treat. They loved it for a short while, until they got bored of food! We distracted them with Peppa Pig whilst we finished off.
By the time we’d finished lunch we had just enough time to nip home to change into party clothes before collecting Oscar from school.
We had arranged to have a party at one of our local soft play centres and it was great fun. We didn’t invite loads of people, but the twins loved some soft play time, party food and party games!
All in all it was a lovely day. Everyone had lots of fun. I just still can’t believe my beautiful babies are two..!
J xx
Happy birthday lovely ones!! Wow two years old already 🙂 Time does fly by! Mine were two in September and even that seems forever ago! The cake is wonderful. We too did Peppa Pig. Cherish it all. Jess xx
Thanks Jess! It's super scary how quickly time goes. We need to ensure we appreciate every moment. Jemma x
Looks like they had a fantastic birthday and you have some beautiful photos to remember the day. We have done something similar with Amazon, how lucky was it that they were both scooters! Thanks for linking up with #MultipleMadness xxx