For those of you who are regular readers of Twinkles and More, or who have visited this site before, you will have noticed that there has been a few changes. I thought it was worth given you all a bit of an update on what’s been going on.
Over the past 6-12 months, I had fell out of love with blogging. Twinkles and More has been up and running for a few years now and has always been something I’ve dipped in and out of.
One of my biggest challenges with my blog was coming up with ideas for blog posts. The blog had no real focus or niche and for me I found it really difficult to decide what I should and shouldn’t post.
When we were on our summer holiday (which you can read about here), I had a bit of a lightbulb moment and I decided that I should focus on one of my biggest passions – travel.
As a family we’re huge fans of travel and holidays and have been fortunate to have visited lots of amazing places both pre and post-kids. I’m really passionate about it and feel that we’ve got loads of advice, tips and recommendations that will be useful to other families.
Initially I set up a new blog. New direction = new blog, right? Wrong! I went full steam ahead and purchased a new domain name, set up a whole new blog and social media channels and decided this time I wouldn’t lose my way.
A month or so in, I started to get that gut feeling that perhaps I got a bit carried away. Maybe I should’ve just used my existing blog and social channels..? However, I thought it was too late. That was until I reached out to a a blogger, who I’ve always admired and looked up to, suggested I re-think the way I was doing things (thanks Karen).
It’s funny isn’t it how sometimes you know what you need to do, but sometimes you just need to hear it from someone else to give you the push to do it?!
So, I took a few steps backwards.
I made some changes to Twinkles and More (now called Travelling Twinkles), redirected my new URL to this blog, went back to using my old Twitter account (twitter.com/twinklesandmore) and changed my directory lists on sites such as Trips100 and Vuelio.
One thing I decided not to get rid of was my new Instagram account (Instagram.com/travellingtwinkles). My old one didn’t have many followers and I feel like my new one has done so much better in such a short space of time.
I’m pleased to report that it’s going ok. I’m starting to build on the followers I had and I’m making some great connections within the travel blogging community. It also feels right that all my old stuff is still there, even if it is displayed slightly differently.
Sometimes you just have to take a step back in order to move forwards.
If you’ve been here before, I hope you like the changes and will continue to come back to find out what we’ve been up to.
There will be much more of a focus on travel, particularly family travel. I’ll also be featuring days out and restaurant reviews. From time to time, I may also post more general lifestyle and parenting stuff. When I originally set up Twinkles and More, the reason behind it was to provide a bit of a memory book for the kids and I still want to continue to do that.
I’m also trying to post on a more regular basis and I’m aiming for twice a week. I’ll hope you’ll pop back to have a read.
Thank you!
Jemma x
I love the look of your blog and your other social updates and think your content is spot on. I am so new to all this blogging that I feel I need a good focus. It is just difficult as a full time working mum. I love the writing and would love to do it more it is just fitting it in and knowing what is good and decent to publish.
Good luck though and I will continue to check in to your posts