I’m always going on about how fast time flies, particularly since we’ve had children and I’ve recently been thinking about how to ensure we capture those special moments. I’m not just talking about birthday and other things classed as “special occasions”, but those little magical moments that happen all the time when you have children.
So, I’ve decided that at the end of every month, I’m going to take some time to reflect about all the things that have happened during the month and I’m going to capture them here. As they say a “picture paints a thousand words”, so it will mainly be photo’s with a very short round up of the key things we’ve been up to, or some special memories that I want to capture from that month.
This month the twins turned two! Me and Simon celebrated Valentine’s Day a week late with a lovely meal and cocktails. We went out to celebrate one of our lovely friend’s birthday. I went to London for our annual conference at work. We went to the zoo during half term. I finally lost some of the Christmas excess (4lbs) doing the Slimming World programme and I’ve been doing lots of running to train for the 10k I’m doing tomorrow!
Overall it’s been a pretty good month and surely now Spring is in the air, March will be even better…
J x