In our house it’s that time of year again…time to arrange the childrens’ birthday parties! Oscar’s birthday is the beginning of January and the twin’s is the beginning of Feb (great planning there!).
Kids today appear to have a jam-packed calendar of parties to attend. I’m sure when I was younger my social calendar wasn’t that busy! The parties are much more lavish too. In fact as a parent it almost feels like a competition as to who can spend the most money. One that I refuse to compete in!
When I was younger it was either a few friends round the house or a MCDonalds party, which was like the rockstar of parties and now no longer exists as apparently you’re a bad parent if you allow your kids to eat McDonalds! Personally my children eat everything in moderation and surely a birthday is a time to relax the rules and let them eat junk?!
Now don’t get me wrong, I wouldn’t contemplate having a party at home. The idea of 15 kids, high on sugar, running round destroying the place is enough to give me nightmares! We tend to hold our parties at our local play centres. The kids get to run around like crazy people, the food and party bags are provided and the adults get to sit and drink coffee and have a chat – it’s a win win!!
For the past couple of years we have let Oscar choose where he wants to have his party. This year he wanted to have a Pizza Express pizza making party, but when I rang to book, they were booked for a couple of months – it must be the in thing! I dreaded breaking the news, expecting tears. However, he was very grown up and said “That’s ok mummy, I’ll have it at Cyril’s” (our local play centre). Phew, I was so relieved and he seemed happy! I think we forget that kids don’t need all the expensive fancy stuff, they are just as happy with the simple things.
Last year, for their first birthday, the Twins had a tea party at home, which was mainly family. This year, they also love play centres, so that’s where we’ll be heading.
Even if I don’t score points for hiring the most expensive entertainer or provided the most unusual party bags, my children love it and to me that’s what really matters.