Back in February I set myself a goal to blog at least once a week, since then I haven’t blogged once. I suppose I kinda kept thinking “what’s the point?!”. Recently I’ve been keen to get back to blogging and ensuring that I’m capturing our moments.
My motivation for blogging seems to change on a weekly basis. One minute it’s about sharing my tips and reviews, the next it’s to get as many subscribers as possible in the bid to become a pro blogger. However, having some time away has allowed me to really reflect on the reason why I blog. And that’s to record the precious moments of my children’s childhood and to give them an insight into their mummy’s life and thoughts as they grow up.
Sure, it would be amazing to be a pro blogger, but that’s never going to happen. I just don’t have the energy or inclination to spend my evenings up until the early hours, plus I’ll never record every little thing we do on social media as sometimes I’m just too busy living and enjoying making those memories that I actually forget to capture them!
Instead, this blog is to record the moments I do manage to capture on camera. I’ll also share my favourite things. As the kids grow, I change too and this blog is a reflection of that. It’s basically a complete mixture of all my favourite things, depending on what I’m loving at the time.
I’ve also decided to write for myself and my kids, so basically I’ll write like no one is reading!
Anyway enough wittering on…
One thing that’s been playing on my mind is that I haven’t shared much about Christmas, so thought I should at least get some photo’s uploaded on here. I won’t do a full run down of what we got up to in December, I’ll just post all the pics, with the odd comment.
Christmas eve!
J xx