Since returning from our summer holiday I seem to have lost my way a little.
I’ve been eating far too much rubbish, haven’t been running as much and as a result I’ve been grumpy, full of spots and just generally a bit low.
I always tend to suffer pretty bad with post-holiday blues. However, this time to try and avoid that post-holiday slump, we decided to organise a couple of weekends away. Although these weekends have been great, they have also meant that instead of jumping straight back on to the healthy living wagon, I’ve been eating and drinking like I’m still on holiday. I have also struggled to get back into running as my routine has been all out of sorts.
The past couple of weeks, I’ve felt uncomfortable in my appearance. I put 7lbs on holiday and although the first week back I lost 4lbs, I’ve managed to put 2lbs back on again! My clothes feel tight and my skin has been dreadful. Plus, I’ve had awful mood swings (sorry hubby) and just generally not felt great.
So, this week, after the bank holiday, I decided that enough was enough! It was time to get back on track!
I’ve been using the MyFitnessPal app to track my calories, as I was pre-holiday. I’ve tried to limit sugary snacks and I set a goal to start running three times a week again (I’ve done two runs so far with one planned for Sunday). So far, it’s gone pretty well. I feel less bloated, healthier and generally more in control.
This weekend will be the real test though, as I really struggle to stay on track at the weekend. I’m not going to be too strict, but I’m going to make a real effort to be more disciplined than I have recently.
I think I might need to treat myself to some new clothes and make-up too as I feel in a bit of a style rut.
I’ll keep you updated on how I get on.
I’d love to hear your experiences of post-holiday blues and what you do to shake them off?
J xx
I am going through the SAME thing- all summer long we have vacationed and laid by the pool, had sooooo many drinks and cocktails and my eating habits and working out have both taken a nose dive. Time to get it together!
Absolutely. I’ve been eating better and exercising again for a week now and I feel so much better already! Jemma x
I am feeling the exact same, and we haven’t even been away on our holiday yet! I feel so out of control, and I need to sort it out as I’m not feeling good xx #MarvMondays
Well done for getting back on the horse! I’ve been eating like crap and it makes such a difference when you change your ways and get healthy again. You’ve inspired me to get going! Thanks for linking up to #MarvMondays. Kaye xo
What we eat really does make a massive difference. I guess the “you are what you eat” saying definitely has some truth! Jemma x
Hope you’re feeling better! I have been feeling like this and since I hit the gym a month ago I am feeling MUCH better 🙂 Bet you’ll be back feeling good in no time xx
mummyofboygirltwins recently posted…Cooking with Hello Fresh
Thanks Jess. I managed to get back into it again, but now have a cold argh!! Jemma x