I didn’t manage to get a week 8 post up last week, probably because I really struggled during week 8. Lots of people have said that week 7 and 8 were the toughest weeks for people in other countries who have been in lockdown and it was definitely true for me.
I think the realisation hit that things aren’t going to change anytime soon and even as restrictions are eased, life will still be very different. It hasn’t helped that we were also told that our new house buyers were struggling to get a mortgage due to a change in circumstances due the pandemic. FU Corona definitely sums up my mood during week 8. I cried (sobbed) and had a bit of a mini meltdown. I’d managed to hold it together until then, but on the Tuesday of week 8, I sat at my kitchen table and literally sobbed my heart out about the whole situation. I also cried on the phone to the estate agent – definitely not my finest moment!
By the end of the week, I’d managed to pull myself together a bit. The weather brightened up and on the Saturday we drove over the Simon’s parents who live an hour away and said hello to them from their garden, we also picked up a KFC drive thru on the way home. I’ve never been a huge fan of KFC, but it was sooo good! We rounded off the day with frozen strawberry daiquiris in the garden.
Last week was better, the weather was good and we managed to do a bit of home schooling outside. We reduced the price of our house at the start of the week and thankfully the house we’re buying agreed to give us a bit more time to find a new buyer. We’ve had four viewings and I’m keeping everything tightly crossed that we’ll get an offer soon.
Yesterday we went to the village green where Oscar plays cricket and had a mini picnic and a few drinks. The weather was lovely and it was great to spend the afternoon somewhere different instead of in the back garden.
Fingers crossed that the gorgeous weather continues.
Jemma x