The days and weeks are really starting to merge into one now and this whole lockdown situation is starting to feel never-ending. I do feel we have started to create a new norm and it will definitely be a shock when we have to ease back to normality (whatever that might look like).
The week started on a bit of a low, the weather has turned pretty dull. I think this has made us all realise just how much the weather was helping everyone in the previous weeks. After doing our usual school activities in the morning, I ended up spending Monday watching an old film and lazing around. I felt pretty rubbish as a result.
The rest of the week was better though. I forced myself to get out and run as much as possible and ended up running 5k three times, which I was pleased with.
I’d ordered some new skincare and make-up, which arrived on Tuesday, which really helped lift my mood. I also tried to keep busy in the afternoons by doing those jobs that we never get round to doing – I even deep cleaned the washer!!
I also decided to film a ‘typical day in lockdown’ type video, which I need to edit. I’ll add it to this post once it’s ready. I thought it would be good to capture this time on video for us all to look back on in the future.
I’m finding that the days go pretty quickly. We usually do school work until 12 noon. We then have lunch, followed by a walk. When we get back, the kids chill and either watch TV, YouTube or play on their Xbox, whilst I do jobs. We then either all eat together at 5.30pm, or if Simon and I need a bit of a breather from the kids, we’ll feed them at 5.30pm and we’ll eat once the twins are in bed at 7.30pm. Oscar tends to go to bed at 8.30/9pm, but he’s happy to amuse himself whilst we eat and have a bit of time to ourselves.
Generally, we’re finding that most days are ok. We have the odd day where one of us has a wobble, but generally we’re all doing ok. It’s interesting how we all seem to have found a new normal. The thought of getting up at 6.30am and then rushing around getting everyone fed and ready before leaving for work at 8am and then juggling after school clubs, cooking, washing etc; fills me with dread. This whole experience has made me realise how manic our life is and I really hope this experience will encourage us to make some changes.

Hopefully this time has given us all an opportunity to reflect on what’s important.
Jemma x