On Wednesday, I headed to London to attend a social media course through work. I’d been really looking forward to attending the course and was hoping to learn some new tips. The course was due to be hold at a swanky global law firm on Fleet Street, so I was also looking forward to having a nosey at their offices!
I was due to arrive at the course at 8.45am for a 9am start, so it meant I had to catch an early train from one of my local train stations. It was a lovely bright morning, so the early start didn’t bother me too much. Plus I always love going to London, there is something about the place that always makes me feel excited.
As I arrived in London, I was running 30 minutes late, due to my train having a technical fault on the way down. I wasn’t too concerned as I’d planned my journey, so that I arrived 30 minutes early, I just had to be quick.
I quickly checked my phone to figure out the best route and jumped on the Underground. According to my phone I only had to go one stop and then a short 10 minute walk and I’d be there – arriving just slightly after 9am.
As I left Farringdon Underground Station I took out my iphone and typed my intended location into Google Maps, so that it would direct exactly where I needed to go (or so I thought!). Google Maps directed me up Farringdon Road. I made sure I walked quickly and kept double checking that I was heading in the right direction.
As I walked up the road, there were a few side streets that I had to cross over. I approached one of these, whilst I was doublechecking my phone. I had to stop as a motorbike was coming down the street. As it did so, it pulled up really close. I (naively) thought they were going to ask for directions. As they pulled up the person on the back of the motorbike stuck out their arm and took my phone straight out of my hand, and off they went!
It all happened so quickly, that I didn’t even realise what was happening. It was so easy for them to take my phone, no resistance, no shouting, nothing! As I realised what had happened, I think I shouted out, but it was too late and they were gone. It happened so quickly that no one even saw it, or if they did no one offered to help.
So, there I was in the middle of London, late and lost with no phone! I was shocked and started to cry. I carried on walking, all the while not quite believing what had just happened. I asked a few people if they could tell me how to get to my course, but no one seemed to know. I kept walking and finally saw a hotel, which I went in to get directions. This is when I discovered that my phone had sent me in the complete wrong direction – I shouldn’t have even have been where I was!!
I turned back and started walking to the law firm. All I was thinking was that I had to get there so I could call Simon and to get to the course. I didn’t want this trip to be a waste!
As I was walking I kept bursting into tears. I think it was the shock. A lovely lady asked me if I was ok and let me borrow her phone. I was so thankful. I managed to call Simon at work (who was in a meeting!) and told his colleague what had happened, the name of the law firm where I was going and that he had to block my phone. As my phone had been unlocked at the time, I was worried about all the information that they had access to.
I continued on my journey, when I finally arrived – all hot, sweaty and tear stained – they knew what had happened as Simon had been in touch to let them know. They were lovely. I rang Simon to speak to him and let him know that I was ok. I was then determined to attend the course, otherwise everything would’ve been pointless and I didn’t want that.
After my course I reported it to the police who were fantastic. I just couldn’t quite believed it had happened.
Since the incident, I’ve replayed it so many times in my head. It has made me feel so vulnerable and wary. I was so naïve and unaware that day and them taking my phone has really bothered me. I absolutely love my phone and like most bloggers spend an awful lot of time on it – taking pics, checking and updating social media and keeping in touch with what’s happening in the world. I feel so lost without it.
I initially thought not having my phone would be quite refreshing, but it’s actually awful. My phone makes my life so much easier. I now have to keep checking my emails and social media on my computer and it’s such an annoyance and takes too long. I also feel that I’m not quite up to speed with what’s going on in the world. The times we live in, having a phone is pretty much a necessity and it’s awful to be without it! Hopefully it won’t take the insurance company too long to sort a replacement..!
J xx
I'm so sorry that happened to you! I'm totally the same when it comes to my phone I tend to forget how there are people out there do horrible things and I guess I am a bit naive. Hope you get sorted soon, big hugs xx
Charlotte | http://www.discoveringcharlotte.co.uk
Thanks Charlotte! Managed to get a new phone now, which has made my life easier! I was naïve too, but will be much more cautious in the future! xx
This is awful Jemma. I'd have been exactly the same as you, crying my eyes out! I've just read the this very same thing happened to the comedian John Bishop on Tuesday this week – phone snatched by a guy on a motorcycle! It was also in London. Think we all need to be aware everywhere, and especially if we're heading to 'the smoke'. Glad you're ok lovely. xx