We’d decided to have a private scan at 10 1/2 weeks. I’m a natural worrier so thought it would help put my mind at rest that everything was okay. Plus, we’d had an early scan with Oscar and it was such a lovely experience.
So, there I am nervously lying on the bed. The sonographer squeezes the gel onto my stomach and as she starts rolling the thing around it is immediately clear that there are two babies in there! “What can you see” she asks. “There’s two!” we both reply. I burst into tears, it is so unexpected that I am just in complete shock. I know I’d been a lot more tired and sick this time round, but I just secretly thought we were having a girl! I think over the next 10 minutes we go through a whole range of emotions – “How will we cope?” “How amazing” “OH MY GOD!”. I don’t think I’ve ever been so shocked!
We then drive home and start sharing the news with friends and family. Many think we are joking at first but when realising we are telling the truth are excited and positive, we only get the odd comment of “How will you cope” etc, which we ignore. We both come to the conclusion pretty quickly that we are very lucky and this is going to be an amazing experience – after all how many people get blessed with twins?!
We have so many questions, so start by buying a couple of books, although I’m a little disappointed by the lack of choice – out of rows and rows of books on pregnancy, I think I have the choice of about 3!
Over the next week or so we come to terms with our idea that pretty soon, we’ll be a family of 5! We’ll need a new car, new buggy etc and in the future a bigger house. Wow, there is just so much to do, I just wish I didn’t feel so tired…!