It’s fair to say I’m not really a winter person. I hate the dark mornings and nights, I hate the cold, grey days and I hate the way central heating gives me a sore throat and makes my skin dry.
However, this year I’m taking matters into my own hands and taking some steps to try and avoid those horrid winter blues.
Here’s some of the things I’m doing (or at least trying to) to avoid the winter blues:
Switching up my exercise
My exercise routine mainly consists of running. I try to run three times a week, but getting motivated to head out into the cold, dark night is hard. Instead, I’ve decided to swap one of my runs for a Clubbercise class (think dancing and glow sticks), which I’m loving. I’ve also started doing my midweek night run with my brother, which helps keep me motivated.
I’ve struggled fitting in my weekend run recently as we’ve had do much on, but I’m trying to get it back on the agenda. Running on a Sunday morning really helps set me up for the day and also helps balance out those naughty weekend treats!
Indulging in little treats
I love having my nails done, so every three weeks I’ve been treating myself to a gel manicure. It’s a nice little luxury and having nice nails makes me feel good. Sometimes it’s the small things that really make a difference. I’ve also purchased a few new skincare products to try and offset the dreaded winter skin – I’m still trying to decide if they’re working or not.
Eating healthily
I’m trying to lose a few pounds to balance out the inevitable Christmas weight gain! Eating healthily always helps make me feel better. Plus, it helps keep those nasty winter bugs at bay.
But, also enjoying cake and cocktails
Although eating healthy makes me feel good, so does the odd treat. I’m definitely partial to the odd cake, cocktail, chocolate, prosecco…!
Being organised
With the twin’s starting school in September, it’s meant that my Friday’s (my day off work) have been my day of freedom. I’ve tried hard to use this day to help me get organised for Christmas. I was doing well and had lots of presents wrapped in November, although as the big day draws closer I’m definitely starting to get a bit stressed. I’m trying to cope with this by writing lots of lists!!
I also find being organised each night makes for a better morning. I’m really not a morning person (just ask Simon) and I find that my getting uniform and school bits ready the night before, definitely helps things run more smoothly first thing.
What are your tips for avoiding the winter blues?
J xx