Life has been a little manic lately, so I haven’t posted on here in a few weeks.
I’ve been keen to share with you details of what we got up to for Bonfire weekend, but I’ve really been struggling to get a bit of time to write this post.
As I mentioned about a month ago, I’m keen to trying and start capturing our memories on video. To help us to do this, we’ve recently purchased a Go Pro.
For Bonfire weekend, we’d planned to visit our friends’ Emily, Richard and their 18 month-old, Freddie, who live in Hemel Hempstead. The day before our trip our Go Pro arrived, so we decided to take it with us to have a play before our forthcoming holiday.
We drove down on the Saturday and stayed over before heading back Sunday afternoon.
When we arrived we had some lunch before heading out to the Bekonscot Model Village, which the kids really enjoyed. We then went to a fireworks show in the evening, which was lovely, although we were all pleased to get back inside as it was so cold!
On the Sunday, we enjoyed a lovely morning walk at Ashridge, before enjoying a super tasty lunch at Zazas in Berkhamsted, before we headed back.
I’ve known Emily since we were 17, when we met at college. We don’t see each other as often now that she has moved away, but it’s always so lovely to catch up. Our kids love her little boy and vice versa, so we always have a lovely time.
Here’s a little video of our weekend:
J xx
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