This week has been a week of Sports Days, and thankfully the weather has been kind! Although I don’t think they warrant a post on their own, it’s nice to capture them and this weekly My Captured Moment post is the perfect place.
On Monday Oscar has his Sports Day. He was super proud to come third in his running race. At his school they do team events, but finish with a few running races, which are good fun.
On Thursday it was the twins first pre-school Sports Day, which consisted of lots of run races. I was completely shocked by Henry’s effort. Henry is very laid back and lazy and I really didn’t think he had a rush in him, until watching him race. He won one and came close on a few of the others! Just goes to show that he can pick up the pace if he wants to.
The photo’s from both events are pretty limited due to restrictions. At Oscar’s we were only allowed to take photo’s and the very end and at the twins’ we have to crop out the other children if we want to share them with the world. However, the ones here are my favourites from a limited selection.
J x
Ah it was our school sports day last week too!! And Lili’s in the yellow team as well. It’s funny when they shock you like that isn’t it? Poppy did something similar to me at Christmas when she got up and sang alone in front of everyone!! Thank you so much for linking up with #MyCapturedMoment xx
Yes, they certainly know how to keep us on our toes! Jemma x
Too cute!! It is ours on Monday and I can’t wait – will be a proud Mama xx 🙂 Lovely photos Jemma xx
Aww you’ll love it! They’re at such a cute age! Jemma x