I’ve decided not to blog everyday, but instead to do a weekly roundup. This lockdown looks set to last a while and I’m just not sure my days are going to be exciting enough to warrant a daily post!
This week has definitely been a week of ups and downs. As the week draws to a close, I’m feeling much better than I did at the start of the week.
Simon is finally working from home and has been since Weds, which is a relief even though the house has been overtaken with his ridiculous amount of screens and kit. Anyone would think he works for NASA!!
I’ve had a discussion with work about being furloughed, which I’m relieved about. Juggling working and homeschooling (or at least trying to get them to do something that is slightly educational) has been tough (I’m sure I’m not the only feeling this). It will be nice to focus fully on the kids. Plus, I’m hoping we can squeeze in a couple of afternoons watching Disney movies under blankets 🙂 This will be happening from 1st April (I’m hoping it’s not an April Fool!).
I’ve managed to get the kids to do quite a bit of work this week. Some days have been easier than others. I’m finding that they’re much better in the morning, so trying to do English and Maths first things and then we’re a bit more relaxed in the afternoon, when they either do topic stuff, online learning or if all else fails some educational YouTube videos.
We had have one day off ‘school’ when I just couldn’t quite face it, the kids stayed in their PJs all day and watched Disney +. They thought it was great! We also spent quite a bit of time making rainbows for our front windows.
The weather has been lovely, which has meant we have been able to spend lots of time in the garden. The kids have really enjoyed having lunchtime picnics in the garden and it’s been so lovely seeing the sunshine.
Friday was a low day for me. We found out that a child at the kids’ school has got coronavirus, along with a parent (not the child’s) who is in hospital. The closeness to home really bothered me and I really struggled for the rest of the day. I went for a run, which helped a bit, but I still cried at the 10 o’ clock news. I’m now trying to avoid watching the news wherever possible as it seems to make me really anxious and sad.
We’ve had a lovely weekend though and I’ve tried to keep myself busy sorting, cleaning and doing all those bits that we never get round to doing. It’s actually been really nice to finally have some time.
We had a take away delivered last night, which was lovely and felt like a lovely treat. We often have take aways without really thinking about it, but this one felt like a real treat. We’ve decided to have one a week as something to look forward to at the weekend. I also finally found my kindle, which I’ve been looking for all week. I’m determined to read as much as I can.
Today, we did lots of cleaning, which felt good. Keeping busy helps. We ended the day playing a board game (Totopoly) that I haven’t played in years and reminds me of being younger. We all loved it and it was great to spend some lovely quality time together. Maybe this lockdown won’t be so bad after all…
Jemma x