Another week in lockdown has passed. We should’ve been on a Caribbean cruise during Easter, but instead we were obviously at home, which is obviously a bit pants. We have managed to get our money back though, so it could be worse.
The weather was lovely again this week and we spent lots of time outside. I may have even got my pasty white legs out!!
As it’s the Easter hols, we haven’t been doing any homeschooling. However, I’ve tried to do Easter related activities and baking most mornings to try and prevent the kids getting bored.
Mentally, I’ve felt really good this week and really grateful that we’re all safe and getting to spend so much quality time together. It’s quite nice to have a pause from our usually crazy busy life. I only had one wobble, which is when I went to Tesco to do the food shop on Thursday. I’ve tried to avoid the news as much as possible, but on the way to the supermarket heard some horrible stories on the radio that almost made me cry in the car.
Tesco was absolutely packed, people were not sticking to the rules and I just felt completely overwhelmed. I could’ve quite easily broken down the in the middle of the shop. There were huge queues to pay too. Upon returning home, I declared that I was done going out to buy food. It’s made me worried about how i’m going to feel about going out again once lockdown is ‘over’. Part of me can’t wait to go out to bars, restaurants and shops, but there’s also a part that is scared. Even when the current restrictions are eased, the virus will still be around.
Easter weekend was lovely and warm. We spent lots of time in the garden, we had a BBQ and on Saturday night we sat in our front garden and had a drink with a few others on our street (obviously at a distance). We organised an egg hunt for the kids on the Sunday morning. We’re usually away, so we don’t tend to do this. They loved it, although I think we went a bit overboard with the Easter eggs.
The weather turned a bit on Sunday and on Monday, I felt a bit ‘meh’ and spent the day lounging around, not doing very much. We all watched a movie and had Dominoes pizza for tea though, which was a nice way to end the weekend.
We’ve now been in lockdown for three weeks now and is being reviewed this week. The media keep suggesting that the government will extend the lockdown restrictions for another three weeks. Although these last three weeks have gone pretty quickly, I’m not sure the next three weeks will go quite as fast. The novelty of being at home is wearing off now and I’m longing for normality to return. We just don’t know when that’s likely to be.
Jemma x