Our coronavirus diary – lockdown week 7

Our coronavirus diary – lockdown week 7

So here we are in week 7 of lockdown. Thankfully the gorgeous weather returned and we got to spend time in the garden again, which definitely makes this whole situation much easier.

It was VE Day on Friday, so all week we spent time learning about the World War 2, which Oscar particularly enjoyed. By the time arrived arrived, they knew all about the war and VE Day, which was really nice.

Heidi finally lost on of her top front teeth, which she was very pleased about. It’s been wobbly for quite a while and she was desperate for it to come out. Thankfully the tooth fairy is called as a key worker and was able to pay a visit. Heidi being Heidi insisted she spent her tooth fairy money on plants from the village we walk through every day on our walk.

On Friday our street had a street party for VE Day. We made a victoria sponge on Thursday, ready for us to enjoy on our front garden. We all got dressed up in red, white and blue – Heidi and I even painted our nails in the appropriate colours. We also put bunting up to celebrate the occasion. We had a lovely afternoon/evening and we even wheeled the BBQ out onto the front garden for us to cook burgers and sausages. It was nice to have something to get glammed up for – even if we were only sitting in the front garden. I’m quite keen that we do something similar every year from now on.

On Sunday Oscar had a virtual karate competition, which was quite good fun – just a shame he did the wrong kata!

With the lockdown measures set to be reviewed, there was a lot of speculation during the week. Last night, Boris addressed the nation and as I expected, not much is going to change in the near future. He also provided an outline of a phased return to a new normality. Although I knew that ‘normal’ is unlikely to resume anytime soon, it did get me a bit. I’m definitely feeling the strain of it all and I’m feeling very fed up. I want my life back and I want my kids to be able to do the usual childhood things that help them to thrive. They miss their friends, going to school and their after school activities and I’m so sad that they won’t be able to do any of them for quite a while yet.

On a selfish note, I want (maybe even need) some space. As lovely as it’s been spending lots of quality time together, the constant cooking, cleaning and fulfilling snack requests is relentless and is taking its toll. I’m also missing work and the everyday social interaction that working brings. I’m definitely a ‘people person’ and really missing social interactions with others.

Jemma x


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