Alternative motorway stops to put your UK …

Cornwall, The Lake District, and The Cotswolds are just a handful of the amazing close-to-home vacation hotspots that the UK has to offer. Whether you’re looking for an overseas placeholder or simply can’t bear the idea of a flight with young children, each location is packed to the brim with…

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Why you might need a plumber

There are so many homeowners out there that concentrate on doing their own plumbing, and that fact may shock you! Usually, if there is an issue with the water or the pipes, the first thing that people do is call in an expert to work on it. However, with money…

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Staying fit on your family holidays

Family holidays are meant to be fun experiences where you get time to de-stress and enjoy each others company. This means that you tend to be a little (or a lot) less strict about what you eat, how much activity you take, and various other things pertaining to your health…

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The ingredients you need for the perfect …

When was the last time you gave your bedroom a comfort makeover? You need a bedroom to be a comfortable place to relax, to sleep and to read. You want to know you can spend time there and feel safe and at home, and the best thing to do to…

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Interior changes that give you the most …

While it should rarely be the sole determining factor in what changes you make to your home, there’s no denying that we have “home value” in the back of our head during any major interior projects. But what changes are really going to make a big impression in terms of…

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Make your nights out safer with these …

Whether you’re going out for a friend’s birthday party or are looking to explore a city at night while travelling, safety should always be a number one priority. Thanks to technology, there are many ways for us to establish a feeling of safety when we’re out at night, but even…

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Things you need to do to maintain …

When it comes to your home it is imperative that you keep it well maintained, this is because you want it to last as long as possible in case you want to sell and also to make sure it stays nice to live in. If you do not maintain your…

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Top tips when buying furniture and decor …

  Buying furniture at a cheap price online is a real possibility. The internet is the number one shopping platform for most people and so with this knowledge, you will be able to get the best furniture pieces online without having to spend a lot of money. What do you…

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Add a Touch of Elegance to Your …

Fireplaces mantles serve as the centerpiece in your home. A glowing fireplace mantle makes the house look alive and casts a warm radiance all around. Often these fireplace mantels get too rustic and become a burden because of the increasing upkeep costs. At times like these, it’s more efficient to…

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Tips for a stress free family holiday

If the very thought of packing up your brood and taking them on holiday fills you with dread, don’t panic as you are not alone. Indeed, there are many parents that would love to get away, either in the UK or overseas but just don’t have any idea how to…

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Be more productive with virtual meetings

We are all on a journey of discovery at the moment, due to the plentiful hours we are putting in working from home. Suddenly human contact has been replaced with Zoom meetings and this can cause fatigue easily. It can also affect the productivity of your work, especially if you…

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