Making life easier
Found this amazing device today! No more counting scoops out loud, one scoop and you’re done!
View PostThe first few weeks
The twins are now 4 weeks old and so far so good! The time is going so fast. Trying to capture it all is hard as I am so busy feeding, sterilising and washing! My mum has been fab, coming round everyday to help with cores and feeding. Trying to…
View PostThey've arrived
The twins arrived last Saturday and are doing well! Henry was born head first at 2.44pm and Heidi was born breech at 3.06pm Will post full details when I get a spare 5 mins! J x
View PostFinal scan
Had our final scan yesterday and both babies estimated at 5lb 8oz, no wonder I feel so heavy!! Finally been given a date for induction Fri 1 Feb – hurrah! Can’t wait to meet them both and also get my body back! Feel so heavy and it hurts when the…
View PostA few days in hospital
So my last post talked about how much I was struggling with the flu. Well the day after I wrote that post I ended up pulling a rib muscle with all the coughing, the pain was agony. Tried to rest but the day after started coughing again and it got…
View PostAll about me
So, this is my first ever blog and first ever post, therefore it’s probably appropriate to start with telling you a bit about me. My name’s Jemma, I’m 28 (well 29 tomorrow) and I live in Nottingham with my little boy Oscar who is 2 and my husband Simon. I’m…
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