35 weeks and struggling with the flu

It’s been far too long since I last posted, I’m now 35 weeks. I think the main reason for lack of posts is that it has been a pretty straightforward pregnancy so far, no major aches, pains or complications. I’ve been having four weekly scans and everything is going well…

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Feeling normal

I’m now 17 weeks and have started to feel normal again – hurrah!! Not feeling any definite movements yet, so hoping everything is okay. I’m sure it is, but I’m just a natural worrier! Watched the One Born Every Minute: Twins and Triplets episode this week and have to say…

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The hospital scan and telling work

I decide to wait to tell work until the ‘official’ 12 week hospital scan, which we had yesterday. We seemed to be at the hospital ages! Upon entering the room we tell the sonographer that we already know it’s twins, he then goes on to say that we’ll only be…

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The day we found out

We’d decided to have a private scan at 10 1/2 weeks. I’m a natural worrier so thought it would help put my mind at rest that everything was okay. Plus, we’d had an early scan with Oscar and it was such a lovely experience. So, there I am nervously lying…

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All about me

So, this is my first ever blog and first ever post, therefore it’s probably appropriate to start with telling you a bit about me. My name’s Jemma, I’m 28 (well 29 tomorrow) and I live in Nottingham with my little boy Oscar who is 2 and my husband Simon. I’m…

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